Donation of your choice

Donation : /

Any donation you give here will allocated to one ore more of the following

1. A scholarship to an orphan
2. teachers salary
3. Food supply
4. Books
5. Desk and chair
6. essentials for the children

Membership fee

Fund a teacher’s salary

Donation : /

The schools ability to grow rely on the availability of professional teachers, we need to hire 6 additional teachers this year.

Plumbing and laying waterpipes in the ground

Donation : $1,000.00/

Plumbing and laying waterpipes in the ground – enabling water supply from the schools water pump and water tower to the dormitories and class rooms.

We can changethe life of African people with small help

Fusce suscipit varius mium sociis natoque penatibus magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mususce feugiat malesua orbi nunc odio gravida. cursus nec luctus a loremaecenas tristique orci ac semuis ultricies pharetra magna.

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SEFU id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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SEFUid sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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Media’s Help

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Become Volunteer

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Send Donation

Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

Fine Arts sample painting

28 November, 2024Posted In : News


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The annual football game

27 February, 2020Posted In : News

4th of February 2020 – on Mariolett schools ground we had our annual big football game READ MORE READ MORE

Be a volunteer & reap the rewards

We at SEFU thank you very much for your contribution. If you would like to volunteer and help out in any way you can, then please click below, fill the form, and we will be in touch.

Have a great day.
Bless you