We are highly appreciating your initiative towards this cause. We would recommend you to see some other cause if you would like to donate more.
A scholarship to an orphan
After primary school orphans typically have only themselves to rely on when it comes to financial support. Many of them are left to seek employment in poorly paid jobs or have to rely on inadequate help from oftentimes poor relatives. For 1.800 DKK per year you can ensure that an orphan gets a “home” and an education.
A weeks supply of corn to the schools kitchen
At present the schools kitchen use 200 Kg of corn flour per week. It is the key ingredient in the food prepared for the students every day. Many of the students had to rely on their own provisioning of food every day before coming to Mariolett.
By donating 700 DKK you will secure at least one weeks supply of food for the school.