Project, Details

Supporting Mariolett Ordinary & Advanced Level school in Kamdini, Northern Uganda.
The school established in 2019 has developed into a boarding school. Thanks to the help from SEFU and other key Partners:
Step 1: Started with the first boarding school class on February, 3rd, 2020
Step 2: Grow from 50 to 240 students by the end of 2026
For both steps the support from SEFU will include (but not limited to):
- Build dormitory
- Furniture in the school, especially beds etc. in the dormitories
- Infrastructure for electricity, watersupply , network connection, availability etc.
- Fencing
- Sportsfield
- Chemistry Laboratory
- Kitchen
- Teaching aids, computers
- Competence development of the staff
Education of (local) crafts (see project 2)
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