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In Uganda children are offered 7 years free education. In Northern Uganda the opportunity to continue to High-school and take further education is very limited, and affordable for only very few.
Northern Uganda is the poorest region in Uganda with very low living standard. The average monthly income is less than 90 USD per month in rural areas and many families have less than 2 USD per day to make a living.
Unemployment is very high so many children end up with nothing to do after finishing primary school. As a result many girls get married in pre-arranged marriages at a very young age, and countless others end up as “street children” without any income and nowhere to live. They end up selling goods on the road side, as day laborers, criminals, poachers or prostitutes – and die far too young.
The membership fee is 480 DKK annually or 40 DKK per month With 40 DKK the school can feed 15 students for two full days. Membership feeLatest News
The annual football game
27 February, 2020Posted In : News4th of February 2020 – on Mariolett schools ground we had our annual big football game READ MORE READ MORE
Opening of the boarding school
27 February, 2020Posted In : NewsSEFU and Mariolett has reached an important milestone. 3rd of February 2020 we could proudly open th READ MORE